
is the chosen name for the first full lenght record of the band.
The record is set to hit the stores at the 22th of October in Portugal, the release party will happen two days (20th of October) before at Beat Club (Leiria) with a show from TAP.
Somewhere soon some of the songs will start to be uploaded into our myspace.
Hopefuly you'll be dropin' by...
We'll be updating this as time comes near to the release date.
Thanks again to you all, that have been suppporting us.
Cheers and see you soon."
The Allstar Project
quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2007
|sexta-feira, setembro 21, 2007
|quarta-feira, setembro 12, 2007
o regresso

is the chosen name for the first full lenght record of the band.
The record is set to hit the stores at the 22th of October in Portugal, the release party will happen two days (20th of October) before at Beat Club (Leiria) with a show from TAP.
Somewhere soon some of the songs will start to be uploaded into our myspace.
Hopefuly you'll be dropin' by...
We'll be updating this as time comes near to the release date.
Thanks again to you all, that have been suppporting us.
Cheers and see you soon."
The Allstar Project